• Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOsPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized

    Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs is a film by Jeffrey M. Smith that warns about the dangers of GM foods. It features Gary Null , Jeffrey M. Smith, Vandana Shiva?, Ronnie Cummins, Shiv Chopra, Michael Antoniou, Rima Laibow, Bruce Lipton?, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Arpad Pusztai?.



    • Hoboken International Film Festival – Best Documentary
    • White Sands International Film Festival – Best Director
    • Worldfest Houston – Special Jury Award – Higher than Platinum
    • Official Selection: Breckenridge Festival of Film, Chicago Underground Film Festival, Indie Fest USA, NYC Independent Film Festival, Urbanworld Film Festival, White Sands International Film Festival


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