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Owner and operator of ABC broadcast television network and ESPN, The Walt Disney Company is the world’s second largest mass-media conglomerate that was founded in 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy. A leader in animation, live-action film, theme parks, resorts, and interactive media, Disney has been a component of Dow Jones stock investing (DIS per the index) since the early 1990s. (6) Though most of Disney’s flagship products and productions, including their mascot Mickey Mouse, are family-oriented, Walt Disney the “visionary” is now better known for being a racist, a misogynist, and a Jew-hater, as even admitted by his grandniece, Abigail Disney. The famous actress Meryl Streep once made a speech at a National Board of Review dinner commenting on the racist, gender-bigoted Walt Disney, who she noted had formed his own anti-Semitic industry lobby. (1)
Famous or infamous? Walt Disney looked down on blacks, women, and Jews, and designed propaganda films to degrade them all
Though Meryl Streep spoke at a film review dinner to praise actress Emma Thompson for her portrayal of Mary Poppins in the Disney film Saving Mr. Banks, Streep couldn’t refrain from referring to Walt Disney as a “hideous anti-Semite” who “formed and supported an anti-Semitic industry lobby.” Several of Walt Disney associates reportedly said he did not like women nor did he trust them, and this according to former employees of Walt’s. Many Americans, however, live in a cultural bubble where they are never exposed to or even realize all the bigotry, racism, sexism, and “femme fatale” themes that are deeply and purposely embedded in Disney films, over the generations. Under Walt Disney’s control, Disney taught children that women must be rescued by a man–that they are weak and must use their looks to save them. The film Jungle Book was quite racist, as it promoted staying “with your own kind” during the fight over segregation. (2)
“Walt Disney Nazi” among the most searched Disney-related terms on Google
1938: Walt Disney welcomes Nazi propagandist and German filmmaker to Hollywood studios
Just one month after the massacre of Jews at Kristallnacht, where Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered nearly 100 Jews, Walt Disney welcomed pro-Nazi Leni Riefenstahl to Disney studios to help him formulate Jew-hating films for Americans. (7) Disney is somewhat like the Tribeca Film Festival, which has a strategic partnership with the Nazi-linked Sloan Foundation, that was founded by Alfred P. Sloan, a Nazi collaborator and hater of blacks and Jews. Sloan, much like Bill Gates, was a globalist eugenics promoter who believed in eliminating the “undesirable” people from the planet, leaving only a superior race in charge. Hitler made movies to support his eugenics agenda. On a lighter side but still pushing the envelope on whites as “superior” and all other races inferior, Disney was also closely associated with the Motion Picture Alliance, another highly anti-semitic film-making business.
Walt Disney welcomed pro-Nazi to Disney
In fact, Riefenstahl was a close friend to Adolf Hitler and was known for writing, creating and producing documentary films that glorified the Nazis–and only Disney was willing to screen her movies, where all the other Hollywood studios refused. This evidence is plain as day that Walt supported films that degraded Jewish people. Walt’s fans and shills will claim his ignorance, but one look at the empire he created and we all know that’s not true. Even Art Babbit, who was Jewish himself and was a Disney animator who created Goofy, attests that Walt Disney was a Nazi follower and sympathizer in the 1930s. Babbit saw Disney and his lawyer attend meeting of the German American Bund – the pro-Nazi organization known for distributing Hitler’s films. When Jewish animator David Swift decided not to work for the Jew-hater, Walt Disney told David (with a Yiddish accent), “Okay, Davy boy, off you go to work for those Jews. It’s where you belong, with those Jews.”
The worst racial stereotypes could not have been an accident or planned out by ignorant writers and producers – period
Even Walt Disney himself had to walk out of the preview screening of Song of the South in the 1940s in Atlanta, because racial tensions were heightened due to multiple aspects of offensive themes in the movie. (4)
Beneath all the fun-loving music and fairytales lives a dark world of disgusting and offensive stereotypes
If you’re looking for musicals riddled with stereotypes and bias for your children to “learn,” look no further than Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Little Mermaid, for example, teaches little girls that it’s okay to give up on who you are and who you want to be for a love interest. At the beginning of the story, Ariel is a brave, adventurous and curious young mermaid who explores the ocean with friends and saves Prince Eric and Flounder from drowning, but then, once she starts crushing on Eric and becomes a human being, she “magically” turns into a helpless, lovesick puppy that’s obsessed and lost in admiration. Ariel literally transforms from bold to submissive, subconsciously training little girls across America to become hapless weaklings when they find the right boy or man. Forget about culture now, there’s a good looking guy in the fix. The underlying theme and message to girls from Disney? Drop your family, friends, culture, personality, goals and dreams if you want someone to fall in love with you. (3)
Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs teaches men that they’re hopeless and that they need women to take care of them
The seven dwarfs represent men who are hapless idiots that can’t take care of themselves and must have a women to dust their belongings, sweep their floors, wash their dishes. It’s “mommy” to the rescue. Learned helplessness is a social disease rooted in Disney films.
Disney teaches girls that outward beauty is their most prized possession
Most Disney films convey this obtuse message, and Cinderella is the most obvious about it. Disney infers that no man ever needs to learn anything about a woman’s personality, brains, or thoughtfulness, all that matters is how hot she looks when she’s dolled up to the 9’s. That’s the entire plot of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Is hotness synonymous with happiness? It’s all about the damsel in distress looking hot for the handsome prince and both falling in love at first site, and then and only then can they live happily ever after. This is behind the scenes brainwashing and the underlying theme is an awful lesson for children to realize is totally wrong when they grow up and find out the hard way.
Disney shows us that if a woman is tough, she better also be kind and thoughtful (but forget about smart)!
Take notice that in nearly all Disney movies, the men only need to be strong to be heroes, but in Disney movies Pocahontas and Mulan, the female heroes must possess other character traits in order to be “complete,” including gentleness, thoughtfulness, kindness, humility, and you get the message. The ladies are allowed to be brave but must exhibit gentle, loving traits to properly fill their roles. You see, intelligence doesn’t matter, and being a warrier won’t matter at all for women, if they’re not always ready to be a gentle, caregiving person, at least, that’s the Disney message for the girls and boys to internalize. So what happens when the children watch dozens of movies like this over the years, and then join the military? could that be why many women in the military are not respected, but rather abused, disrespected, and even gang-bang raped?
Disney’s Mulan movie tells women they need to be white and skinny to be beautiful
Disney also teaches us that if a girl isn’t unrealistically close to “perfect”–with an ultra thin waist line, a great singing voice, Caucasian of course, and working on keeping the home clean, well then, they’re pretty much hopeless and useless, never to be rescued from a miserable life.
It’s quite difficult to ignore the observation that nearly every female Disney protagonist is a super skinny white girl with pretty looks, certainly not excluding Tiana from The Princess and the Frog and Megara from Hercules, with her 15 inch waist. Of course, the message Disney sends to children is that in order to be valuable as a female in this world, you better hope you’re not fat or born non-white, otherwise you have a lot of work ahead of you and you’re going to need a miracle or a ton of really, really good luck to even get by. Even in Beauty and the Beast, the underlying message is that if you’re overweight, you’re naturally cranky and angry at the world, but if you’re simply hanging around someone small, skinny and pretty, well then you are naturally kind and gentle. (5)
Disney teaches the world that Arab people are ignorant, sexy and barbaric
Compared to most of the female protagonists in Disney movies, Jasmine from Aladdin wears the most revealing outfits, selling the concept that Arab women are mainly animalistic sexy. Another notion inherently sold to the viewer is that the Middle East is a violent, brutal region in general, where they chop off body parts if they don’t like the way you look, but hey, “it’s home!” Many of the characters come off as ignorant and primitive, and the females are valued for doing the laundry in sexy outfits.
Men must save all women with a kiss, according to Disney
From Tangled to Sleeping Beauty, and from Peter Pan to The Lion King, the men in Disney movies, whether portrayed as some charming bandit or nameless prince, become “real men” when they save a woman from her awful life, protect them from danger, or spare them some perpetual harm or abuse they’ve been incurring for years.
Finally, in 1995, Disney gives main character girls a little bit of independence and strength
In 1995, Pocahontas was a movie that finally featured a girl who was not just compassionate, but strong and independent. Even though she does fall in love, she actually comes to the rescue of her lover, and from her own father.
Then came Mulan in 1998 – a powerfula nd brave Disney princess who actually takes on a male role, for the first time ever in a Disney film, plus, the tale is not a love story. Still, there are stereotypes noticeable in these newer-age Disney movies. At this point, there have been no African American or dark skin heroes in Disney films, until 2009, when we see Tiana in the Princess and the Frog.
2012: The Movie “Brave” is Disney’s first princess tale where there’s no prince charming featured
The wild and spunky Brave is not in search of a prince charming. Finally a movie with a strong female role that can have a positive impact for girls who aren’t brainwashed into searching for prince charming to come save them.
(3) http://disneyanalysis.weebly.com/female-stereotypes.html
(4) http://screenrant.com/worst-racial-stereotypes-offensive-disney-movies-animation/?view=all
(5) http://www.vh1.com/news/310/racist-disney-movies/
(6) http://money.cnn.com/data/dow30/
(7) http://www.naturalnews.com/053456_Tribeca_Film_Festival_Nazi_eugenics_Robert_De_Niro.html