CranberriesPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized
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Well-known for their ability to fight urinary tract infections, cranberries are a versatile fruit that provide a number of other nutritional benefits. The same properties in cranberries that fight off UTIs also fight off bacteria in the mouth that can lead to gum disease and ulcer-causing bacteria in the stomach. (1) They are considered anti-inflammatory and a source of antioxidants, especially when eaten fresh rather than in juice or dried form. (2) Long regarded by the Native Americans for their medicinal and nutritional qualities, cranberries are making a comeback in modern culture for the very same reasons. (3)
Cranberries come from the Vaccinium macrocarpon plant.
Kingdom (Plantae) → Angiosperms → Eudicots → Asterids → Order (Ericales) → Family (Ericaceae) → Genus (Vaccinium) → Species (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
Cranberries grow on low evergreen shrubs or vines that can reach 7 feet in length and less than a foot in height. It has small dark pink flowers and glossy evergreen leaves. The edible fruits start out as white and slowly change color to different shades of red when they are ripe for harvest. Many varieties exist with a range in color from bright red to deep burgundy depending on the season of harvest. (4) Cultivation of the cranberry vines takes three years before viable fruit can be produced for harvest. (5)
The cranberry is a perennial plant native to North America, with production in the United States and Canada. Cranberries in America are grown mainly in Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. In Canada, cranberries are produced in a number of provinces but mostly in the Frasier River Valley of British Columbia. (6) Cranberries require a long growing season from April through November, an ample supply of fresh water provided either through natural sources or irrigation, and acidic peaty soil. (7)
Nutritional Information
Cranberries are known for their high levels of fiber, manganese, and vitamin C. They also contain many important phytonutrients such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, triterpenoids, and proanthocyanidins. (8) For many years, it was believed that the acidity level of cranberries was the reason behind their effectiveness in fighting urinary tract infections. (9) Research has shown that it is the proanthocyanidins in cranberries that fight UTIs by keeping the harmful bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract. (10)
Commercial Cultivation
Cranberries are grown in a bog, marsh-like environment. Historically, crops were planted in already established wetland areas. Today, marshes can be created with modern equipment and cranberries are grown in man-made bogs. Cranberries thrive in soil that is a mixture of peat and sand to allow for optimal flooding and irrigation. It is a common myth that cranberry bogs must be flooded year-round, which is not the case. Cranberry bogs are flooded at harvest time before machinery is used to shake the berries loose so they float on the water for easy collection. (11)
Diseases, Pests, Predators
Since cranberries are grown in a marshy environment, they are susceptible to fungal based infections such as cottonball, end rot, botryosphaeria fruit rot, and leaf spots. These types of fungus thrive in damp environments. Common pests include different worms, weevils, and gypsy moths. (12)
(1) http://www.naturalnews.com/030590_cranberries_antioxidants.html
(2) http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/16-cranberries-health-benefits-natural-remedies-nutrition-info-and-recipes/
(3) http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/16-cranberries-health-benefits-natural-remedies-nutrition-info-and-recipes/
(4) http://www.cranberrycreations.com/growing.html
(5) http://www.cranberries.org/cranberries/grow_intro.html
(6) http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/aboutind/products/plant/cranberry.htm
(7) http://www.cranberries.org/cranberries/grow_intro.html
(8) http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/16-cranberries-health-benefits-natural-remedies-nutrition-info-and-recipes/
(9) http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=145
(10) http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/issue/16-cranberries-health-benefits-natural-remedies-nutrition-info-and-recipes/
(11) http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/aboutind/products/plant/cranberry.htm
(12) https://www.plantvillage.com/en/topics/cranberry/infos/diseases_and_pests_description_uses_propagation