ARTICLES UNDER "Uncategorized"

  • Guava Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, PredatorsSources The guava is seen as an exotic fruit that provides a number of health benefits. Not only does it provide more vitamin C than any other citrus fruit, it can help regulate the thyroid gland and is a good fruit for diabetics to consume as it is low on   Full article…

  • Grapes Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, PredatorsSources Grapes are known as a tasty, nutritious treat that is rich in electrolytes and other essential nutrients. The potassium in grapes can help your body balance its level of electrolytes and help prevent episodes of gout. (1) Eaten fresh or in dried form as raisins, grapes provide other health   Full article…

  • Figs Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, PredatorsSources Once valued as a sacred fruit in Rome, figs have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are known to have phenomenal nutritional value. Figs help your heart by cutting down on calcium deposits in blood vessels and can help lower triglyceride levels. The fiber content can also help   Full article…

  • Fasting Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Fasting and FaithFasting and HealthFasting and Other ReasonsSources Fasting means to abstain from some, or all, food and drink. Fasting is most commonly done as a religious observance, but it has been gaining popularity as a way of detoxifying the body for the purposes of healing, and losing weight. By its strictest definition to   Full article…

  • Elderberry Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, PredatorsSources Lauded for its medicinal uses for centuries, the elderberry is a potent source of nutrition. (1) Though generally not eaten straight off the bush, the elderberry is typically made into juice and syrups. (2) These are then used in a variety of culinary and medicinal recipes. Elderberry extract is   Full article…

  • Cranberries Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]TaxonomyDescriptionDistributionNutritional InformationCommercial CultivationDiseases, Pests, PredatorsSources: Well-known for their ability to fight urinary tract infections, cranberries are a versatile fruit that provide a number of other nutritional benefits. The same properties in cranberries that fight off UTIs also fight off bacteria in the mouth that can lead to gum disease and ulcer-causing bacteria in the   Full article…

  • Medical Fascism Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Examples of Medical FascismSpreading of False InformationMedical kidnappingElimination of AutonomyVaccinesSources Medical fascism is a totalitarian system where the medical establishment, large corporations, and government combine to exert control over the population’s medical procedures. Medical fascism is an offshoot of political fascism, and those who hold power in a medically fascist state behave in roughly   Full article…

  • How Sleep Affects Hormone Levels Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Sources Hormones are chemical signals produced by the body’s endocrine glands that regulate all kinds of bodily functions. Metabolism, mood, behavior, libido, immune function, growth, weight loss, and muscle gain are all strongly influenced by hormones. (1) All of these hormones are needed at precise levels in the body, and getting adequate sleep plays   Full article…

  • Gluten Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]What is gluten?Gluten and other food sensitivitiesSources: Gluten free diets are very popular right now, but there is a good reason for this. Gluten free foods are simply foods that do not contain and grains that have gluten in them. Many people are finding they feel better and their health improves when they remove   Full article…

  • Vaccine Fanaticism Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Sources Fanaticism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a “fanatic outlook or behavior especially as exhibited by excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions on some subject.” (1) Vaccine fanaticism is no different. It is characterized by an unwavering devotion to vaccines without any thought to the very real risks and dangers caused   Full article…

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