ARTICLES UNDER "Uncategorized"

  • Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    In 1996, “Bomis” was launched as a web portal that would soon find success with erotic, x-rated content, by catering to men who go on line to look at women, cars, and sports enticements. The project would soonafter be scaled back some from the soft porn and morph into what was known for a brief   Full article…

  • Fluoride Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Sodium fluoride, the type of fluoride used in tap water across America today, is an industrial byproduct that doubles as insecticide, which was first used by the Nazis to keep the Jews weak and unable to rebel in the concentration camps of World War II. Yet today’s food and water contain some of the exact   Full article…

  • PolitiFact.com Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized

    Contents [Hide]Distorted Debate or Truth Media? Playing DOWN Ebola is scary businessPolitifact’s “fact checking” is really about keeping inconvenient truths out of future conversations PolitiFact.com is an online critical newspaper begun in August of 2007 and is a project operated by the Tampa Bay Times, where editors and reporters “fact-check” statements made by top politicians,   Full article…

  • American Medical Association (AMA) Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    The year is 1847. Physicians in America are not enjoying competing with inexpensive, natural remedies, which are offered by Indians and skilled midwives. These are remedies which are effective but are not profitable or patentable, so elitist physicians join forces and form an alliance called the AMA, the American Medical Association. Not just any doctor   Full article…

  • “Planned Parenthood” – Margaret Sanger (founder) Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    The “American Birth Control League” (Planned Parenthood) was founded in 1921 when the first birth-control clinic was opened in Brooklyn, New York, by one Margaret Sanger. In 1942, the birth control “league” became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, or PPFA. Today, their budget of about $1 billion US dollars (700 clinics alloted   Full article…

  • Fukushima Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or “TEPCO,” the organization in charge of the Fukushima nuclear plant, took their time admitting the truth about the three (of the six total) damaged nuclear reactors that suffered meltdowns, worse than Chernobyl, after an earthquake off the coast of Japan triggered a tsunami that severely destroyed three reactors (by   Full article…

  • CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized

    The CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet with a “mission and vision” – – as stated on their website – – that the “CDC works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.” As a health protection agency, the CDC is supposed to save   Full article…

  • Jeffrey Smith Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    The producer of the 2012 Documentary Film of the Year, Genetic Roulette — The Gamble of Our Lives, Jeffrey Smith makes the connection clear for us about the dangers of consuming genetically engineered foods, by exposing the correlations evident to science-based facts, and by discussing the hard-line statistics that have surged regarding allergic reactions, digestive   Full article…

  • Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D. Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Contents [Hide]Dear Patients, Family, Friends, and Colleagues:It is with great sadness that the office of Nicholas J. Gonzalez, M.D. relays news of his untimely death on Tuesday, July 21, 2015.  The cause of death was cardiac related, it appears, as he suddenly collapsed and was unable to be revived.  Dr. Gonzalez was in excellent health   Full article…

  • Robert Scott Bell Posted 10 years ago under Uncategorized


    Robert Scott Bell, host of The Robert Scott Bell Show and in broadcast media since 1999, covers news stories in the health, political and economic worlds for two hours each day, six days a week in both radio and TV formats. His commentary crosses the political, economic and cultural divide, drawn from his 20+ years   Full article…

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