Corruption in ScotlandPosted 11 years ago under Uncategorized
Scottish Government Cover Up of Hollie Greig Part 1 – How it all came to light
Saturday, 13 March 2010 12:26 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour
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UK, March 13, 2010 (Pal Telegraph) – I have decide to reveal the Hollie Greig’s story in fine detail so that you the public can read for yourself exactly how this sordid story came about and how the Scottish Government suppressed this terrible crime. It covers not only Hollie but also includes other children that fell victim to this ring of peodophiles.
This series will not hold back any information and will include names of the offenders and their victims. It will also include articles that were bouncing around at the time. In writing this series it is also an open invitation for anyone to write to the Palestine Telegraph who feel they have information relating to this or any other case involving children in Scotland who may have succumbed to the same group of the so called Scottish Justice System.
I thought it would be best to actually let you read the story overview that was put together by the Investigator of this case – Robert Green who has since become a victim of the Scottish Government without just cause.
Robert’s article was titled: The Shocking Story of Hollie Greig and is shown in its entirety as per below. I will also include relevant documentation that is part and parcel of this obscene cover up by the Scottish Government and its Legal System.
The ultimate blame must rest on the shoulders of the First Minister for Scotland – Alex Salmond who is very much aware of this appalling story but still sits on his hands and does nothing. We at the Palestine Telegraph will continue to support Hollie and her mum Anne with continues hard hitting articles until Alex Salmond or Gordon Brown bow down to the pressure.
The “Hollie Army” continue to grow and we can say with great confidence that we will not need the assistance of NATO to win this battle…..we are strong and will not give up until Hollie and the other children involved have their day in court.
Hollies Story by Robert Green to the BBC “The Shocking Story of Hollie Greig”
In June 2000, Mrs. Anne Mackie, as she then was at the time, following a violent outburst by her husband Denis Charles Mackie, was told by her daughter Hollie, who has Down’s Syndrome, that she had been raped and sexually abused by her father and brother Greg. The abuses by her father had been going on for fourteen years. Since Hollie was just six.
Anne went with Hollie to Bucksburn Police Station, Aberdeen, to report the crimes, moving out of the family home, of course.
Late that summer, in August, Hollie revealed that her attackers extended far beyond her father and brother. Denis Charles Mackie had shared his young daughter with members of a paedophile ring operating in Aberdeen, including a Sheriff Graeme Buchanan, a police officer, Terry Major and Hollie’s own carer, Helen Macdonald.
After contacting the police again, Anne and Hollie were asked to attend at Bucksburn on 25th August 2000, to make their allegations.
Whilst Anne was being interviewed, Hollie was questioned by Officer Leanne Davidson, who in turn, left Hollie alone with a social worker, Nicola Foot. Foot immediately called Hollie a liar and assaulted her by injecting a needle into Hollie’s leg, which must have contained a drug to temporarily disorientate Hollie.
Anne, of course, knew nothing of this until she was driving Hollie home, when she became aware of Hollie’s unusual behavior, which she could not explain fully to her mother due to the effect of the drug. Anne returned immediately to the police station, demanding that a doctor examine Hollie without delay. Davidson played for time by saying that a doctor was being sought, but after two hours claimed that no doctor could be found.
Even worse was to follow just a few days later.
On the 5th September, a medical team unexpectedly arrived at Anne’s home, on the instructions of Dr. Alaistair Palin, to literally drag Anne from her home. She naturally resisted, but her clothes were pulled down and she too was forcibly injected by one of the team.
She was taken by force to a mental institution run by Palin, where he described her as “schizophrenic.” The object was to return Hollie into the hands of her abuser father.
Anne managed to get out of the institution after a few days and had the foresight to demand a full examination by a mental health expert. Dr Helen Smith, who pronounced that Anne was in perfectly good mental health. A result, even Palin had to concede in writing there was nothing whatsoever wrong with Anne.
The police investigation meanwhile, despite medical and other expert witness support fully vindicating Hollie’s story, was eventually dropped on the orders of one of Sheriff Buchanan’s associates, Elish Angionlini, the Aberdeen’s Procurator Fiscal, now Lord Provost.
Anne and Hollie have carried on their battle for justice ever since the, although no independent Scottish solicitor could be found to even take up their case.
Nonetheless, after a few years, with the assistance of Nicola Smith, Hollie was awarded £13,500 by the Criminal Injury Compensation Authority, despite the fact that officially, no crime had even been committed.
None of the experts spoken to have ever heard of such a thing before, the only possible motive being that the award was made in the hope of buying Anne and Hollie off.
This point was picked up by the News of the World in April this year when the story was finally broken, albeit in a very abridged form. A version of this was also published by the Shropshire Star, the local paper now for Anne and Hollie, as they had to flee Scotland due to the danger posed to them.
The BBC’s investigative report, Mark Daly, then approached us. After requesting that we deal exclusively with the BBC, he assured us, after numerous discussions and examination of documentary evidence, that two programmes had been commissioned, one to be broadcast on Scotland’s BBC TV and the other on BBC Radio Scotland, handled by his colleague, Kathy Long. With Her and Panorama’s team MacDougall, they came to interview Anne and Hollie on 4th June this year at their Shropshire home. They also informed us that their investigations had led to them to other serious cases systematic sexual abuse of minors and adults with learning difficulties in Scotland.
Buchanan2On 10th June, Mark Daly phoned to tell us that not only had the team been prevented by a senior BBC figure from making any further investigations into paedophile rings, but also that the team would be sacked if they continued to persist.
Despite all attempts, Daly and the others refused to divulge who it was who blocked them and efforts to elicit this information from the Director-General and the head of the BBC Trust have thus far failed to find a response.
However, Grampian police, under persistent pressure, agreed to conduct another investigation into Hollie’s case, led by Tanya Leiper. No urgency whatsoever was attached to this, however and it was only when a shot was fired at the window of Anne and Hollie’s home this August that any firm action was taken, after I had written to both the Grampian Police and Alex Salmond, who had previously been informed about the case, that I would hold the individuals concerned personally responsible if any hard should befall Anne and/or Hollie.
Tanya Leiper and Lisa Evans came down to Shrewsbury on 8th September to interview both Anne and Hollie. I was able to listen to the interview conducted with Hollie by Lisa Evans from the next- door room of the house.
It lasted around three and a half hours in which Hollie explained and relived her multiple rape ordeals in precise and intimate detail. It was horrifying, but Hollie was magnificently heroic and remained strong and throughout, answering the questions with tremendous composure, squaring exactly with everything I had understood as a result of my own observations. Let it not be forgotten that she had already endured such an interview on August 25th 2000.
I have previously written to Sheriff Buchanan with a list of his fellow rape gang visitors to the house, along with Hollie’s name and a picture of her. He, denied, in writing, any knowledge of any of them. Below is the list:
Aberdeen Paedophile Rape Ring
Denis Charles Mackie
Greg Mackie
Graeme Mackie
Gillian Mackie
Jack Buchanan
Evelyn Buchanan
Sheriff Graeme Buchanan
David Smith
Wyn Dragan
Terry Major (Police Officer, Grampian)
Sylvia Major
Helen MacDonald (Carer for Hollie Grieg)
Ian MacDonald
Carol Low
Known Victims
Hollie Greig
Richard Dragan
Katherine Major
Jennifer Major
Two children of Ian and Helen Macdonald
Two children of Graeme and Gillian Mackie
All these names are known to me as a result of my extensive investigations and I believe this to be true
Robert Green
I have recently listened to the most harrowing interview I have ever experienced, where Hollie Greig spent three and a half hours reliving her multiple rape and sexual ordeals at the hands of Sheriff Buchanan and his gang, mainly conducted in the home of his sister Evelyn.
Surely there are highly placed individuals within the BBC with sufficient integrity and courage to help to expose these appalling crimes and protect some of our country’s most vulnerable young people.
I expect an answer from you personally, not someone delegated to do so.
Yours Sincerely
Robert Green
Cc Sir Michael Lyons
Kenny_122I found the following statement on the city visitor webpage concerning Bucksburn Police: “If you find yourself in trouble or wish to report something suspicious you’ll need to call the police in Bucksburn. Police here deal with an array of incidents from domestic violence to stolen goods and vehicles and it’s always nice to know that there’s helpful and sympathetic people to call upon during your time of need.
I wonder what went wrong during Hollies years of need!!!
The Hollie story has so far been aired on US Radio Stations, UK and European Radio Stations. Articles have been printed in the US, Middle East and soon in New Delhi. Public demonstrations are starting to get underway in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London. Many web pages now contain every aspect of Hollie’s story and every article written by myself has been forwarded to the following: Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Kenneth Clarke, William Hague, Nick Clegg, Danny Alexander and Ester Rantzen.
Others notified by Robert Green are Alex Salmond – Scottish First Minister, All SNP Scottish Cabinet members, All 43 Aberdeen City Councillors, Colin McKerracher, Chief Constable, Grampian Police, Peter Watson, Levy & McCrae, solicitors, Dr Alastair Palin, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Fiona Palin, Social Work Manager, Ann Begg, MP, George Galloway, MP, Angus Robertson, MP, Ann McKetchin, MP, Jim Murphy, MP and again Nick Clegg, MP, David Cameron, MP, Gordon Brown, PM.
It must be emphasized that all of the above are “Civil Servants” who are put into office to “Serve the People” and “Listen to the People” and to date not one response……their arrogance will be their failing…. now you know where not to vote at the next General Election!
Part 2 will start to work through the minefield of the Scottish (extremely evasive) legal system. It will show a total lack of duty of care by the Grampian Police and Mental Health etc with appropriate letters relating to Anne and Hollie’s case (or should I say no case!). When one adds the historical lists of peodophiles to the existing FBI list we can see that this reaches all levels of those who are supposed to care for us in Health and Mental Welfare, Schools and Education, Police, Care Homes and Politically….. No party is exempt. There is no limit as to how high this goes in all of the above areas…..including of course the upper crust of Freemasons.
We the public must remember to keep up all the media activities and the protests until these so called “Gentlemen of Conscience” (who represent we the people) succumb to the pressure!
The public will be the jury in Hollie’s Case which I will now place before you and you can reach your own conclusions.
Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 13/3/201