Dr. Rima LaibowPosted 10 years ago under Uncategorized
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‘Rima E. Laibow‘ (born September 30, 1943) is a medical editor, activist, author and film producer from Hudson, New York. She is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970. During her medical training she received a United States Public Health Service Fellowship in Neurology Research which she carried out while a full time medical student.
Her work in both activism and the medical fields have taken her around the world, most notably to India and Russia to speak on her work. In 2009, Laibow was a prominent personality in the anti-Codex alimentarius movement and regularly delivered lectures around the world. This was reported in an article “Rima Laibow to deliver lecture in Mangalore”, featured in the July 5, 2006 issue of The Hindu newspaper.
Both Dr.Laibow and her husband Major General Albert Stubblebine have guested on the Alex Jones show.
There was an article in The Tuscaloosa News , November 21, 1993 issue. Man can’t shake memory of being abducted by aliens by Ben Hallwarth that said that Dr, Laibow’s interest in the subject of alien abductions or accounters began in around 1988. She knew a patient who became very upset while seeing a displayed row of Communion books. Laibow couldn’t find an external event to account for this. The news article published in The Tuscaloosa News said that her insight into this differed greatly from that of Carl Sagan who basically put it down a modern day version of demon, faries and witches tails.
In her career as a psychiatrist and, she has had an opportunity to study groups of alleged abductees A wide rage of different types of people differ in both cultural and demographic aspect. She stated that it is easy for people generally to believe that abductees would be suffering from psychosis or rather in her words, psychotic-level functioning be present. She found this not to be the case. She has stated that if pyschosis were the cause then it would be present in other areas. Also researching alien abductions, she has travelled to St Petersberg where while on a project for TREAT aka Treatment and Research for Experienced Anomalous Trama, she met Maxim Chyrdakov a young man who as a pilot allegedly encountered a UFO. She was asked to examine him to assertain the thruthfulness of his account. She verified that he appeared genuine.
Activism work
It was in July 2006 that Rima Laibow was scheduled to arrive in Mangalore, India to adress a group regarding Codex alimentarius. Laibow, who was heading the anti-Codex alimentarius movment and a proponant of using nutients and natural options to treat degenerate, cronic diseases etc was invited by a member of the “Whole persons healing” organisation.
At some stage, she undertook legal action against the U.S. Government over Codex. She also had been regularly attending the Codex meetings.
Recent activity
From around 2014, Dr. Laibow has been Staff Editor, under Chief Editor Susanne Posel at the The United States Independant, which is an online outlet for independant news.
On the 14th of December 2014, she was a guest on Tuth Frequency Radio to talk about her fight with the FDA and the World Health Organization. She was trying to have Nano-silver 10 parts per million distrubuted to people to fight Ebola, especially for West African nations who were battling Ebola. An article dated 22 October 2014 – Liberia: Sierra Leone Tells Nano Silver Success Story by Edwin G. Genoway, Jr said that Liberian health authorities had rejected Nano Silver but there was success in the neighbouring country Sierra Leone.
In September 2014, The Natural Solutions Foundation, Dr Laibow and Ralph Fucetola receieved a warning letter from the FDA reagrding the sale of Nano Silver.
Referfences (Intro)
- Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation
- She graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970.
- United States Public Health Service Fellowship
- Rima Laibow to deliver lecture in Mangalore – The Hindu July 5, 2006
- Guested on the Alex Jones Show
References (Psychology)
- faries and witches tails
- if pyschosis were the cause then it would be present in other areas
- she verified that he appeared genuine
References (Activism work)
- invited by a member of the “Whole persons healing” organisation
- Undertook legal action over codex etc