Karmanos Cancer Center (KCC)Posted 9 years ago under Uncategorized
Karmanos Cancer Center, aka the “Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute,” is one of forty five cancer centers in the US that is “designated” by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which means they promote as first recommendation invasive, experimental cancer treatments like mammograms and surgery, and dangerous chemical treatments chemotherapy and radiation. Karmanos Cancer Center (KCC) is a cancer hospital in midtown “metro” Detroit, Michigan with close to 100 beds (functioning as a partnership with Wayne State University – WSU – School of Medicine). Survey data for the latest year available shows that the hospital had more than 3,800 admissions. Its physicians performed nearly 1,500 inpatient and over 2,000 outpatient surgeries. Their “mission” they say is dedication to prevention, early detection and eventual eradication of cancer, but several doctors and oncologists “running the show” have been outed as criminals, fraudsters, propagandists and outright promotors of invasive cancer treatments that provide little-to-no help, in fact, may even CAUSE CANCER, permanent injury and death. Treating about 12,000 new patients per year on a $200 million budget and running hundreds of clinical trials on them, Karmanos 300 “faculty members” (including clinicians and scientists at WSU) dispense nearly 100 different invasive and chemical treatments that “no other local hospital has,” and they boast about having “immediate access” to new drugs, many of which are NOT tested for safety or even efficacy, and drugs that are “fast-track” approved by the FDA, depending on how much money the chemical and pharmaceutical industry shells out.
A long-term bed at Karmanos may be the last bed a patient rests upon
KCC focuses on bone marrow cancer, breast cancer, neurologic cancer, often recommending repeated doses of chemotherapy, gamma radiation (for brain tumors) and toxic drugs–providing the most expensive, invasive, experimental and statistically poorest results for any cancer treatments (less than 2.3% on average success staving off cancer for just 5 years), especially compared to organic eating and natural detoxification programs recommended by Naturopathic Physicians across America. KCC also offers psychological counseling in order to maintain their clients-for-life, steering them away from anything other than invasive treatments that cost a small fortune and quickly at that. KCC steers their clients-for-life away from second opinions by offering them more opinions from their own “multispecialty team of doctors” who address “emotional” issues (convince you not to ask anyone outside their hospital if what they are doing to you is your best option, or even a reasonable one). They brag this is all done “under one roof” and that noone needs a physician referral to get an appointment at Karmanos Cancer Institute. It’s no wonder.
Vaccine Industry “Front Man” and blogger propagandadist David Gorski, aka “ORAC,” works at Karmonos and has terrible reviews from patients
Though Dr. David Gorski is a surgical oncologist, you wouldn’t ever believe it if you read his “rants” in his blogs and in biotech front sites that push agrichemical propaganda and falsified research. Writing under the pen name “ORAC,” Gorski works very hard to obscure the vaccine-autism connection, mainly the mercury in vaccines that leads to all different kinds of autism in the “spectrum,” not to mention central nervous system disorders, immune disorders and heavy metal toxicity. Since 2004, Gorski’s blog called “Respectful Insolence” has been a subject of controversy where he has been accused of vaccine trolling–ruining intelligent conversations about known vaccine dangers. ORAC is thought to be a paid shill by the vaccine industry, and his patients do not have nice things to say about him. This all leads to a much deeper controversy that’s being exposed by truth media.
“Vitals” online reviews of the infamous Dr. Gorski are poor and discrediting
Click here to check for yourself: http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_David_Gorski/reviews
Published; Oct 13th, 2014: “I felt like I was in the way. As if this doctor didn’t want to see me as a patient. As if my health problems aren’t difficult enough without an uninvolved, not helpful doctor. Ugh. I am going to see someone else next time. “
Oct 11th, 2012: “This man is horribly arrogant and was extremely unprofessional. His bedside manor leaves much to be desired, and I got the impression that he’d rather I shoot myself than to interrupt his busy day of blogging.”
Aug 10th, 2011: “Arrogant with no compassion.”
Is Gorski working under expired medical license numbers?
Medical licenses expired!
- Michigan ID # 4301091449, Active, Issued 01/28/2008 Exp. 01/31/2018 • NJ ID# 25MA06975200 (Inactive) Issued 09/20/1999 Exp. 06/30/2009 • Ohio ID# 35.060908 (Active) Issued 11/29/1990 Exp. 01/0/2017 • NY (none found) • Illinois ID# 036093132 (Inactive) Issued 06/08/1996 Exp. 07/31/1999 • Illinois ID# 336054455 (Not renewed) Issued 06/10/1996 Exp. 07/31/1999
Hospital Rating for Karmonos is not even available:
Cancer scorecard: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Rating: Unrated (Insufficient Volume)
Several VERY BAD EMPLOYEE REVIEWS are available to view on line for Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. These are reviews based on job security, advancement, management and job culture, as published:
“Chaos and undervalued”
Pros: Patients and RNs
Cons: Unequal treatment unless your part of the “group.” The mgt doesn’t value Mammo staff. You are a body filling a spot. They will cut you loose for nothing. Certain techs are bullet proof. Tons of bullying goes under the radar and if you complain it’s ignored Detroit site is frenzied and staff doesn’t help each other. Radiologists are spiteful and often incompetent. Suburban office tech there for long time not happy and it shows. Not helpful to others and back stabber in a big way. Watch your back and keep mouth shut protect your sanity and work somewhere else.
“Toxic cesspool”
Pros: great benefits
Cons: no staff lounge no room for growth top heavy good ole boys club
Company is a breeding ground for backstabbing, throwing staff under the bus, stress and misery. Staff morale is the lowest I have ever seen. There is no real structure. Management is clueless and gets away with murder then turn around and blame their subordinates. A lot of employees are being harassed but too afraid to speak up. The HR department favors management so lower level staff needs go unheard. No room for growth if you are not apart of the good old boys club. Run as fast as you can from this place!
“Very toxic, stressful environment”
Pros: patient population, academic setting
Cons: management, office space, stressful clinics
Management is very indifferent to the needs and mental/physical health of workers. Midlevels are treated very poorly, and are thrown under the bus when one of the doctors makes a mistake. NPs and PAs are there strictly to cater to the MDs. We were scribes and secretaries, and not allowed to function to the full spectrum of our training. Clinic space is very insufficient, and they continue to cram ever more providers and staff in extremely close quarters. Very chaotic. I absolutely dreaded Mondays. “Office space” was a joke, crowded with no windows. Most of the medical assistants were lazy and not helpful, except for one or two. I could go on ad nauseum. On the plus side, there were some very devoted physicians, and most of the midlevels there are wonderful people. I cannot fathom why they stay there. I also loved the DMC, and the patient population. They were so grateful, and I have many wonderful memories of patients and their families. Please, if you are a midlevel (NP or PA), find another position. There are better places to work in the Detroit Metro area.
“Becoming about the dollar, not good patient care”
Clinic Staff Nurse (Former Employee), Ambulatory Care Clinic – April 18, 2013
Pros: good opportunity to learn more about oncology care
Cons: upper management does not value staff – very expendable
Frenzied work pace in outpatient clinic with many demands coming at clinic nurse with poor support from ACAs and management. High burn out rate for RNs and mid-level providers.
This one got a one-star review:
“very stressful environment”
Cons: forget about extra time with your family, low compensation, stressful environement
– it may look good in the begining however it is so depressing people are so rude and not helpful – very toxic environement – unsafe job anything can get you in trouble
Revealed: Massive cancer fraudster and criminal Dr. Farid Fata once presided over the clinic at Karmonos (Crittenton) Cancer Center in Michigan
At the center of one of the most extensive cases of medical fraud IN HISTORY is one nefarious man named Farid Fata, the former oncologist and hematologist who oversaw thousands of chemotherapy and radiation recommendations at Crittenton Hospital. Fata may be the most egregious fraudster ever in the USA. His practice stretched through seven different cities and served over 15,000 patients in about 9 years, since 2005. This past July Fata was sentenced to 45 years in prison for HEALTH CARE FRAUD, two counts of MONEY LAUNDERING and CONSPIRACY to pay and receive kickbacks, but how many people did he misdiagnose with cancer and how many did he over-prescribe dangerous “new” drugs that made him a fortune? Federal prosecutors said Fata intentionally prescribed over 9,000 unnecessary injections and infusions to more than 550 patients in six years–totaling $35 million in insurance billings. Patients who only needed to be “observed” were hoodwinked into his expensive chemo “maintenance” program using his “infusion chair,” including some people that did NOT even have cancer. The worst revelation is that Fata was pumping the terminally ill cancer patients full of MORE poison and raking in the bucks until their last breath. Fata prescribed extra doses of an immunosuppressive drug called Rituximab for as long as three years. Let it be known that Dr. Farid Fata completed his residency at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center back in 1999. Fata obviously has ZERO medical ethics. Did Dr. Fata train and co-conspire with Dr. David Gorski? Did he too have a “fellowship?” Were they part of the same team inside the medical industrial complex at Wayne State University?
Fata operated a HUGE private clinic at Crittenton Hospital Cancer Center
Most oncologists in America spend somewhere between $1.5 and $2 million a year on drugs for a staff of three doctors. How much did the nefarious Fata spend purchasing drugs to supply his empire made up with his own in-house pharmacy, diagnostics and private radiation treatment center? –Just a cool $45 million, according to a 2015 report on oncology trends. He scheduled 50 or more patients PER DAY and handed them off to unlicensed doctors and then he would step into the room at the end of each visit for five minutes and sling his grand opinion of the chemical and radiation treatments he “recommended” to just about everyone. In fact, when an oncologist or urologist owns his own radiation equipment, the rate of “recommendation” to use it is extremely high. This is a statistical fact. Fata usually pushed for LONG TERM treatments in order to use up his drug supply faster. That’s where the kickbacks and merciless profiteering came into play–patient consumption of expensive, experimental drugs that worsen cancer and even create new cancers–no matter the patient’s age, health, financial state, gender, race, socioeconomic status.
Understanding the Gorski – Fata Connection
If you go on the website for Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, you will find a page (under physicians and details) dedicated to one Dr. David Gorski, aka “ORAC” – who prides himself on his own blog as being a character based on an old British sci-fi (science fiction) television show and named after a computer light-box who speaks on pseudo-scientific religion, yet somehow he’s on the breast cancer multidisciplinary team at a major cancer institute that brags about their surgery successes. David Gorski’s financial ties to Big Pharma run deep, and does his connection to the nefarious and now infamous criminal Farid Fata. Remember, before he plead guilty to fraud, Fata presided over MICHIGAN’S LARGEST PRIVATE CANCER PRACTICE – the Barbara Ann Karmonos Center–where Gorski works right now. Fata’s licenses have been revoked of course. Could the ORAC Gorski take over and become the next Fata? After all, Fata was working in his fictional world where nearly all of his patients have deadly cancer and need experimental and costly and deadly drugs until they die, which is often sooner than later. This just may be the “respectful insolence” of which Gorski blogs. Will a cancer “vaccine” manufactured by Big Pharma and genetically modified and patented by Gorski be his next sci-fi invention to be tried out on thousands of US innocents? Maybe he’ll call it the cure for autism. There’s one way to find out. Investigate the propagandist for fraud.
As reported on “Age of Autism:”
“Well, it so happens Sanofi-Aventis – the world’s largest vaccine maker – is involved in several partnerships under which the company may be required to pay a total of €31 million ($39 million USD) from 2008 to 2013. Gorski’s employer, Wayne State University, is one of the partners, and he is conducting a clinical trial of one of the company’s drugs. Therefore, like Offit (who concealed the millions he received in Merck royalty payments because Merck paid the royalties to a third party, not Offit directly) Gorski has a reasonable expectation to receive money from a vaccine maker, even if it is through a third party. A look at the summary description of the Gorski Lab reveals that his research focus is drug discovery and development. However, he is not developing a new drug, but rather, developing new uses for an existing one. Such a process is far more profitable to the drug manufacturer as it eliminates the costs of developing a new substance from scratch, thereby maximizing profits for the company.”
(1) http://www.karmanos.org/about/faqs
(2) http://www.ageofautism.com/2010/06/david-gorskis-financial-pharma-ties-what-he-didnt-tell-you.html
(3) http://www.truthwiki.org/science-based-medicine-also-evidence-based-medicine/
(4) http://www.truthwiki.org/orac-david-h-gorski/
(5) http://www.indeed.com/cmp/Barbara-Ann-Karmanos-Cancer-Institute/reviews?fcountry=US
(6) http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_David_Gorski/reviews#ixzz3ps4yUxDm